
Projeto Querino is a Brazilian journalistic project launched on August 6, 2022 as a narrative podcast produced by Rádio Novelo (the leading producer of journalistic podcasts in Brazil) and a series of pieces in piauí Magazine (one of the country’s most respected long-form monthlies). The podcast won Brazil’s main journalistic award, the Vladimir Herzog (2023), and was named one of the 10 best audio journalistic works of 2022 by Premio Gabo.
The initiative drew inspiration from the “1619 Project,” created by Nikole Hannah-Jones and launched in August 2019 by The New York Times Magazine. 

Projeto Querino brings an Afro-centered gaze to bear on Brazilian history, revisiting a handful of key moments (such as the declaration of independence, in 1822, and the abolition of slavery, in 1888) from the perspective of Africans and their descendants. The project was created and is coordinated by journalist Tiago Rogero; has support from Ibirapitanga Institute; History consultancy by Ynaê Lopes dos Santos and narrative consultancy by Paula Scarpin and Flora Thomson-DeVeaux, from Rádio Novelo. 

In all, more than 40 professionals (a majority-Black team) worked on the project from start to finish. Work kicked off in 2020 with 12 months of bibliographical and audiovisual research conducted by  historians and journalists. 

That research served as the foundation for the dozens of interviews that went into the original 8-episode run of the podcast and the series in piauí, which ranged from articles to photographic essays and a graphic narrative.

The name of the project is an homage to Manuel Raimundo Querino (1851-1923), a journalist, teacher, and abolitionist who, in 1918, published “O colono preto como fator da civilização brasileira” – ”The Black Colonist as a Factor in Brazilian Civilization” – which addresses the leading role taken by Africans and Black Brazilians in making Brazil what it is.

Since its launch, the project has been covered in all of Brazil’s major newspapers – the Folha de S. Paulo, O Globo, and O Estado de S. Paulo – as well as The Guardian. The podcast hit #1 on the Spotify and Apple charts for Brazil, and on November 24, 2022, 110 days after launch, it crossed the 1-million download mark. 

A bonus episode of the podcast was published on November 8, 2022, in which Tiago Rogero was able to interview Nikole Hannah-Jones. On December 5, 2022, it was announced that the project will be adapted into two books: one which will be an expanded version of the podcast (to be released in 2024) and a fictional graphic novel inspired by the project, both by Brazilian publisher Fósforo.

Read the translated transcripts (to English) of all episodes:

Translation: Flora Thomson-DeVeaux

Video credits
Translation: Flora Thomson-DeVeaux; Video engineering: Sety Tekeu; special thanks to: Willy Tekeu.

projeto Querino's team

Idealization, coordination and research:
Tiago Rogero

Ibirapitanga Institute

History consulting:
Ynaê Lopes dos Santos

Rádio Novelo

Narrative consulting:
Flora Thomson-DeVeaux and Paula Scarpin

Promotion, distribution and digital content strategy:
Bia Ribeiro

Executive production:
Guilherme Alpendre

Gilberto Porcidonio, Rafael Domingos Oliveira, Angélica Paulo and Yasmin Santos

piauí magazine

Financial execution:
Instituto Sincronicidade para a Interação Social (ISPIS)

Visual identity:
Draco Imagem

Maria Rita Casagrande

Check out here the full credits of Querino’s podcast.

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